I'm back on the blogging wagon!

I got busy, I got distracted, I realized I couldn't keep up with everything I was doing this past spring, so I let my blog slip.  But I'm back.  I still have so many races to catch up on, and many new ones scheduled for this fall and winter.  So, this is just a quick note to let everyone know what I've been up to since my last blog post in...gulp...April.  Wow!  It really has been a while!  I plan to add more details about some of these races as I go, so here are just some highlights.

My last race report was the April 7th Hollywood Half Marathon.  Then I went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina to run the Flying Pirate Challenge: a 5K on Saturday, and a half marathon on Sunday.  But that wasn't enough.  I also teamed up with Marathon Maniac #5182 Scot Barco as "Team Sand-Bar" to run the Storm the Beach 5K, an obstacle course on the beach.  Running in sand is hard without obstacles, and even harder with them, but it was fun.

Team Sand-Bar after Storm the Beach in the Outer Banks
I closed out April by running for the North in the Gettysburg North-South Marathon with a bunch of other Marathon Maniacs.  In spite of the hilly course, I had a good run; this was a nicely done smaller marathon.  For the record, the North won, which meant we all got a souvenir beer mug. 

Then came May, and I headed West to Colorado.  My friend Kim and I spent a couple days in Denver, then drove to Fort Collins where I ran the Colorado Marathon with Michelle.  The first several miles of running down the mountain were great, but then there were some hills that had my flatlander lungs huffing and puffing, so I did a lot of walking toward the end.  I kept going in May, running three half marathons: Delaware, St. Michaels, and the Marine Corps Historic Half.  I PR'd at St. Michaels.  Good thing I didn't drink the fiber supplement they gave us in our race packet, or I may have needed a few port-a-potty breaks.  The following day at the Marine Corps half, I advanced to 5 Moons in Half Fanatics.

Why, oh why, would you put a fiber drink in a race goody bag?  I did not partake.

And then came June, where I am happy to report that I PR'd in both my half marathon at the Virginia Wine Country Half and in my full marathon at Grandma's Marathon.  The full marathon PR broke my old record from the 2006 Columbus Marathon, and I was so happy to be getting back to my old running pace, and breaking my PR by more than 7 minutes!  I also, finally, earned my second star in Marathon Maniacs!
Success at Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN!  I PR'd for the first time since 2006.  Enjoyed a nice weekend with friends Elizabeth, Michelle, Sarah and Jeff.

I met Jeff Galloway (for the second time ever) at the Virginia Wine Country dinner, then PR'd the next morning!
After Grandma's, my plan was no more big races for two months.  I've been training, but have only run one short race: a 5K on 4th of July.  I've got a busy fall season ahead of me, which actually starts next weekend (yes, I know that's still summer), at the Rock 'n' Roll Providence Half Marathon.  I had a great time the first half of this year meeting new friends, strengthening bonds with others, and having a great race season.  Looking forward to even better things this fall!  See you soon on a marathon or half marathon course near you!  (See my race schedule on the blog.)


  1. If you beat me in Parkers Marathon, I will get you arrested!! : )

    1. Not likely that I will finish before you Anders, but I could still "beat" you!


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