I'm Going Streaking!

No, not THAT kind of streaking! I'm planning a streak of running every day. To keep the objective realistic and attainable, I'm picking a defined start date (Thanksgiving) and finish date (New Year's Day). The plan is to run at least one mile every day during the holiday season. I'll do my mile even on my training plan's rest days.

...and every day in between - I will run at least one mile!

One Mile - This is a very realistic objective, one that I should be able to achieve even when I'm busy or not feeling up to par. I can even do my mile inside on a treadmill if I need to (though I prefer to run outside). On any given day, I may run more than the one mile minimum, but never less.

Every Day - Because I need to develop a better habit of consistently running in between races, and my race schedule has eased up, so this is doable.

During the Holidays - This is to keep me going when the days are shorter, the weather is colder (and sometimes downright unpleasant). It can also help to off-set the holiday food and drink I'll be having.

The Finish Date - I've set an end date so that I don't stress myself out thinking that I need to maintain an everyday running streak forever. I do much better with short-term goals.

See, I can run in winter weather.  It was so cold at the 2006 St. Jude Memphis Half Marathon that I ran in long pants, a long shirt and a fleece pullover!

To serious runners, this sounds like an easy streak. But I've never run more than 3 or 4 days per week during my best training season. And that best training regimen is way in my past. This WILL be a challenge, and hopefully will help me to run more frequently after the streak, even if it's not every day.

Streak running is a THING. There's even a club for members who have maintained at least a one-year streak. I'm not fooling myself into thinking I'll ever join that club, but who knows what will happen once I make it through New Year's Day?

To keep motivated and eliminate the excuses, I consulted this article from Runners World about how to have a successful running streak. And I've already recruited some friends from some of my online groups to join me in this challenge. Everything is better with the buddy system, and we can do it!


  1. I tried that a couple of years ago: I like your rationale, but for me working 13 hour days and no access to a TM it was difficult to sustain.......

    The hard start/end dates is a terrific idea!!!

    1. I can see how it would be difficult with your work schedule. I have no excuses. I can get in an easy mile either before or after work, and I have access to a treadmill in my apartment building. Today is Day 5 and I will run after work.


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