I Hope it's Better in the Bahamas

I’m feeling kind of down. I have not fulfilled my plan to jump back into training last week. It’s funny. While so many people started working out or training as part of their New Year’s resolutions, that’s when I stopped. Part of it was physical. I spent two weeks over the holidays being sick, while maintaining my holiday running streak – and that zapped me. And part of it was mental. I just needed a break. While going out for a run always feels good afterward, until I’m actually out there doing it, I find it a burden to fit it into my schedule and actually go out and do it. I suppose it didn’t help that it snowed last Tuesday, the day I was supposed to start back up with a 5 mile run. That meant that the running path would not be clear. And I hate to run that far on the treadmill.

Excuses…I know. And I’m still not following my training plan a week later. What this tells me is that my body and brain are not into this right now. I’m putting all my mental energy into work, which has been busy and stressful over the last week. I’m also putting effort into cooking at home, so I’m at least doing something that is good for me. And I’m putting effort into my own New Year’s resolution, which is to read more. Since Christmas, I’ve finished three books.
Remember this old-school Bahamas design?

But what is next? Well, it’s Marathon Bahamas in Nassau with my friend Abbi! I’m really looking forward to this weekend because I’ll get to see several other friends and acquaintances from the marathon circuit. I’ll also finish a marathon in my 5th country, which will qualify me to join the Marathon Globetrotters.
I can almost taste it - I will soon be a Marathon Globetrotter!

I am confident that this weekend will be the big push I need to get back on track with my training. Sounds funny, doesn’t it? It will take a marathon to get me restarted on my training program. Yes, I can go out and finish the marathon this weekend, but I still need the training in order to improve my fitness and achieve my objective of earning a PR at the Newport Marathon, my 50th state, in May. So…I may have coasted through the last couple weeks, but I cannot continue to coast if I want to succeed in my plans.


  1. The break will probably help. The sunshine might help too.


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