Paris Breakfast Run Fun

The morning before the Marathon de Paris, the race organizers hold a 5K called the Paris Breakfast Run. I’ve seen this kind of thing at other big, international marathons. It's an opportunity for the marathoners to get in a nice shakeout run, and for friends and family members to join in. This one was an untimed race, but lots of fun. Abbi and I ran the breakfast run. We had to wear our breakfast run shirts to indicate that we were registered participants, as they did not have race bibs.

Ready for the Paris Breakfast Run, across the street from the back of the Louvre

The start was behind the Louvre. Runners from all over the world congregated, each carrying a mini flag from their country. We talked to some Maniacs we found, including my new friend Diane, whom I met in Rome.

Runners congregating near the start of the run; there were a lot more than you see here
Chris (Diane's friend), Diane, Abbi, me...getting ready

The morning was sunny and beautiful. We ran along the Seine and crossed the river, running through the neighborhood bordering the Eiffel Tower. There were some good photo ops of the Eiffel Tower and some other sights. The finish line was within view of the tower. My Garmin clocked this run as only 2.9 miles, a bit short of a 5K, but it didn’t matter since it was not timed.

The Louvre's pyramid is out of frame and to the right; I wanted to focus on all the runners coming through
Musée d'Orsay on the Seine; I never went in but the building is beautiful
We ran past this side street with a view of the Eiffel Tower and just about everyone stopped for a photo
Beautiful tree-lined Paris street about a half mile (or less) from the end of the run

The breakfast run is so-called because you get breakfast afterward. We were served plain and chocolate croissants, coffee, bananas and water. I loved having a croissant and coffee after the race. It was different.

Saw this truck/cart, whatever you call it and this upbeat DJ near the finish (see finish line in background)
Immediately after finishing, this was the view from the right side of the finish chute 
With Abbi and our croissants; we each had one plain and one chocolate
I guess I'm a slower croissant eater, as well as runner, than Abbi

Abbi and I saw Diane again at the finish. We also talked a bit with another Marathon Maniac whose name escapes me. We didn’t stick around too long because we wanted to get back to the apartment and start our day, but we did manage to get some nice post-run photos.

Paris Breakfast Run - done!
What a place to finish a run! You could tell who just ran because they were wearing their blue shirts

If you ever run a big city marathon that offers a 5K the day before the big race, do it. It’s usually a very fun, low-key run and is a lot of fun.


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