My Return to Running
After finishing four marathons and one half marathon (and a handful of shorter distance races), I stopped running at the end of 2006. My plantar fasciitis was so bad that I didn’t run much for the next two years. I did a few local 5Ks, but that was pretty much it. I stretched, iced, took physical therapy, and tried other things to heal the plantar fasciitis. But every time I started running again, back it came. Foot x-ray taken when I had plantar fasciitis Finally, I was able to run more regularly and by 2009 I was running short distances. And then I had a bad year of tension headaches (pretty much the pain of a migraine without the other symptoms), and they were so frequent that I felt like at all times I either had a headache, was recovering from a headache, or was trying to take care of things that I missed because of a headache. So, my running was very sporadic for another couple years, as I just couldn’t dedicate myself. Then Sp...