Accountability Update
It's been over a week since I blogged about the habits that I need to reinstate to improve my overall wellness, and specifically my fitness and running performance. I did fairly well for the first week of using checklists. I worked out for at least 30 minutes per day for 12 days in a row. On the 13th day I gave myself permission not to do a workout because I did a lot of physical chores that included lifting and carrying heavy objects. That may have been a mistake. Once the streak was broken, it was easier to slack off over the next few days (the weekend) when I had a lot of other things to do to get things organized at home and prepare to leave for Tokyo. But I'm going to keep up the checklists even if I don't check every box every day. Here's what I learned about myself: On Sunday I will be in a crowd similar to this...but way in the back and out of the picture It is easier than I thought it would be to get 30 minutes of exercise daily once I accept any form ...